Category: Illustration

  • Fantasy Football Logo

    Fantasy Football Logo

    I created a new name and logo for my Fantasy Football team.  I’m not that great when it comes to following the NFL, so I expected to be beaten often.  Thus, I named myself The Redheaded Step-kin.

  • Happy Holidays

    Happy Holidays

    Here’s a piece I did for a “Dirty Santa” gift exchange for a friend’s holiday party last weekend. I just may turn it into a Christmas card! 12″ x 9″ Ink and Oil Pastel on Vellum

  • Erebus


    My friend and studiomate George O’Connor has an ongoing series of books based on the Greek gods. He recently came out with Hades, the fourth book of 12. Way back when the second book, Athena, was being released, George put out a call for guest artists to do their own interpretation of a character from…

  • Stumptown Comics Festival

    Stumptown Comics Festival

    I will have a table at the Stumptown Comics Festival this coming weekend in Portland, OR. In addition to copies of some of my older wares, I will be debuting The Penultimate Compendium of Miscellaneous Millinery. This limited edition hardcover book contains illustrations of various characters wearing hats as seen from behind. In addition to…

  • Claimus Flees Manhattan Concludes

    You know me, I can’t resist a rearview portrait that breaks the frame! I previously mentioned that I illustrated the six-part story Claimus Flees Manhattan by Ken Wohlrob.  Now you can read the final three chapters over at Undie Press.

  • Haberdash Vol. 2, Clean Streets, Cookies, Oh My!

    This weekend I will be debuting Haberdash Vol. 2 at The Museum of Comics and Cartooning Art (MoCCA) Festival.  Like its predecessor, Volume 2 is an 18 page mini-comic featuring ink drawings of odd people wearing hats paired with a vignette penned by writer Tim Hall. I will also be selling a watercolor version of…

  • Claimus Flees Manhattan

    Claimus is a bit paranoid. I’ve been remiss in posting about some illustrations I did a couple of months ago for the short story Claimus Flees Manhattan written by Ken Wohlrob.  The story is being released in six parts by Undie Press.  Each part has its own illustration, and so far the first three have…

  • Forgetting How To Hold A Fork

    Last fall, I did the cover and some inside lettering for the new book, Forgetting How to Hold a Fork (and other momentary lapses of reason) recently published by 826NYC.  From the back of the book: More than just a nod to Pink Floyd and temporary mindlessness, this short story collection – written entirely by…

  • Hat Portraiture in Reverse 8

    Ink Drawing on Vellum, 9″x12″

  • Getting Even With Shakespeare in the Fringe Festival

    Here’s recent illustration I did for the Getting Even with Shakespeare production which has been selected for the New York Fringe Festival.  While the above image is for a postcard, it was originally designed for the festival’s website (color) and brochure (grayscale) which required a very small icon.  The size restrictions proved to be an…