Category: Coloring

  • Marvel Strange Tales Hard Cover Released

    Marvel has released a hard cover compilation of all three issues of Strange Tales.  I posted in the past (here, here, and here) about the four pages I recently colored for the book, as well as the story I cut my chops on as an intern lo more than two years ago.  Pick it up…

  • Marvel Strange Tales #3

    Much like the first two issues, I colored the introduction page to the new issue of Marvel Strange Tales #3 which is at your local comic book store today.  Unlike the pages posted here, those versions have exciting dialogue!  Look for this cover: But wait, there’s more!  For this third and final issue, Nick Bertozzi…

  • ACT-I-VATE Primer Is Released!

    A while back, I posted about a short story I colored for the ACT-I-VATE Primer book (read about it here).  Well that book is finally available for sale.  Get it at your local comic book store (or failing that, there’s always the online bookstores.) And for those of you that live in New York, come…

  • Marvel Strange Tales #2

    I colored the introduction page to the Marvel Strange Tales #2 which is on the stands today.  Not only is The Watcher once again featured but also the full likeness of She-Hulk and Nick Fury (complete with an ear-stud)!  Look for this cover at your local comic book store:

  • Stuffed! Is Released!

    I spent a couple of months last year coloring Stuffed! a 120 page graphic novel written by Glenn Eichler and drawn by Nick Bertozzi.  I share co-coloring credit with Mr. Bertozzi, who showed me the ins and outs of selecting the best color palette for a specific scene. We based the coloring style on  Hergé’s…

  • My Marvel Debut: Strange Tales #1

    My last post touched on some uncredited work I did for Nick Bertozzi‘s story in the Marvel book Strange Tales.  Since that post, the editor asked Nick to do a last minute introduction page for the book for which I did the coloring (except for The Watcher’s underoos which are tighty-whities, naturally).  The book hit…

  • The Learning Process

    When I decided to make a career change a few years ago, there was a lot I didn’t know about the comics industry.  For one, the creation-to-print time can span several years.  Some of the projects I first worked on are finally coming out, and it has helped me realize just how much I’ve learned…

  • ACT-I-VATE Primer Cover

    You heard it here first, but ACT-I-VATE officially announced its upcoming “Primer” book last weekend at MoCCA.  They also released an image of its cover (shown above) drawn by Nick Bertozzi featuring Persimmon from the Persimmon Cup story I colored. IDW will put out the book in October.  Until then, head on over to ACT-I-VATE…

  • ACT-I-VATE Primer: Persimmon Cup

      Here’s a sneak peak at a 12 page Persimmon Cup story I just finished coloring for Nick Bertozzi.  It will appear in the upcoming ACT-I-VATE Primer, a 150 page anthology based on characters and stories that you can already read for free at   The book will be published by IDW sometime in…

  • MTV Interview with Stuffed! Writer, Glenn Eichler

    I recently came across this interview MTV did with Glenn Eichler in which he talks about Stuffed!.  As you may recall, I did some coloring work on Stuffed! last summer.  Word on the street is that the book will come out sometime towards the end of 2009.