Month: October 2016
Inktober Sketch – Winnie the Pooh Tree
The Inktober prompt today was “Tree” and since it’s also Winnie the Pooh’s 90th Birthday, I drew one of the treehouses from the illustrations.
Inktober Sketch – Scared
The Inktober prompt is “Scared” and I thought this drawing of The Phantom of the Opera from the aforementioned Draw 50 Monsters… book was a perfect fit.
Inktober Sketch – Woolly Mammoth
Today’s Inktober prompt was “lost” so I drew the extinct Woolly Mammoth from the Draw 50 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals book.
Inktober Sketch – The Hunchback of Notre Dame
My Inktober “sad” entry is The Hunchback of Notre Dame from the aforementioned Draw 50 Monsters book done with brush pen. Have you seen the hump on his back? It’s yuge! Sad!
Inktober Sketch – Scooby Doo
Scooby Doo is my selection for the “hungry” edition of Inktober. I probably drew out of this book and the monsters one the most as a kid.
Inktober Sketch – Golf
Today’s Inktober prompt was “collect,” so I drew the golfer from the Draw 50 Athletes book. Because really, what is golf but constantly collecting a little white ball for 3 straight hours.
Inktober Sketch – 1967 Ford Dragster
A little late on yesterday’s Inktober, but for my “noisy” drawing I went with the 1967 Ford Dragster from the Draw 50 Cars, Trucks and Motorcycles.
Inktober Sketch – Quicksilver
For #Inktober this year, I thought it’d be fun to revisit the old Draw 50 books I recently unearthed from my parents’ house. Not to knock the art instruction available in Stillwater, but these books were the main source of drawing education available (thanks Scholastic Book Fair!) Today’s prompt was “fast” so I drew Quicksilver…
Job Transitions / I’m Back!
You might have noticed my lack of production on this site these past few years. While I’ve done the occasional freelance illustration job here and there, the majority of my time has been spent as a stay-at-home dad to my daughter, Daphne. Being at home with her was the most rewarding and difficult job I’ve…