My Marvel Debut: Strange Tales #1

My last post touched on some uncredited work I did for Nick Bertozzi‘s story in the Marvel book Strange Tales.  Since that post, the editor asked Nick to do a last minute introduction page for the book for which I did the coloring (except for The Watcher’s underoos which are tighty-whities, naturally).  The book hit stores today and you can see my credited work on the very first page!


4 responses to “My Marvel Debut: Strange Tales #1”

  1. Shmikey

    Man, you are moving fast up that comic ladder. Way to go!

  2. uncle billy

    I find that Marvelous! Congrats!

  3. Looks complicated. Good job!

  4. Thanks! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to post the actual page I colored as it hasn't been released by Marvel yet. But I wanted to put an image of the cover so you would know what to buy!

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