Marvel Strange Tales II #2

The next issue of Marvel’s Strange Tales will be out tomorrow and I have once again colored Nick Bertozzi‘s introduction page in which the Fake Watcher, Philip, continues to show the vacationing Uatu the beauties of human life.  As with issue one, we continue to invoke the coloring and special effects of Jim Steranko.

A tragic ending to Nick Fury Agent of SHIELD #1?

While looking through Steranko’s past art this particular page caught my eye.  In the top half alone, every color on the spectrum is used and yet it doesn’t feel forced.  The gray tones of the last panel punctuate the previous color choices and the story.  While I didn’t have a chance to do a grayscale panel, here is my homage to Steranko’s rainbow page (the rest of the page is filled with greens and yellows):

You can see the full page and more previews of the stories in the anthology over at Comics Alliance.  Be on the look out for this cover by the amazing Jaime Hernandez!


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