Every week, I have the pleasure of working a shift at the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co. Anyone that has visited Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co. can tell you that our Capery is one of the finest, and therefore, one of our main attractions. So while I was proud to be employed by the largest supplier of super-heroic items in the tri-state area, I earned a real sense of accomplishment when I received my Official Cape Tester (OCT) License. (As you may well know, only OCT License holders can operate Capery Machinery.)

While customers are trying on a cape, we like to recommend some basic poses to simulate how the cape might feel in certain heroic situations*. In the past, the OCT might throw out some audible suggestions that could go misheard in all the excitement or fall into the cultural divide. Therefore when I heard mention of a drawing of basic poses to be posted on the wall, I volunteered my resources.
Outside of figure drawing, I’ve never really attempted to draw muscular people. As it turns out, this can be a challenge. Fortunately, the direction I got was “generic superhero” which allowed me to cull from many excellent resources. Below are the basic recommended poses and my first renderings.

A transport necessity for all caped heroes. The arms are typically held outstretched at an obtuse angle from the trunk of the body. Either the left or right leg can be raised. In this pose, the cape should float freely behind the hero and place no constraints on his or her mobility.

Search and Destroy
This pose is used when searching for villains, especially on busy city streets, in a mountainous or overgrown-jungle landscape, and other situations where visibility is compromised. Face front, the hero leans forward and shades his or her eyes with one hand as if in bright sunlight, scanning to the left and the right.

Front Page of the Newspaper
This is a pose intended for post-victory celebrations, after all evildoers in the surrounding area have been vanquished and the press is on the scene. The hands are placed on the hips and the chest is puffed with pride and a firm sense of achievement and self-worth. The hero smiles.
*Warning: Any attempt at non-heroic poses will earn you a one way trip to the devillainizer.
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