Category: Process
Jerusalem: The Processes Behind Making A 380 Page Graphic Novel
It’s been over a year since we finished work on the graphic novel Jerusalem! The book was recently released, and I was reminded that I have yet to document all the work that went into the creation of the epic 380 page story. Since this book was more than three times the length of a…
Marvel Strange Tales II #3
The final issue of Marvel’s Strange Tales Vol. II is out tomorrow, and once again, I have colored not one but two exciting Nick Bertozzi pages! Continuing with our Steranko themed artwork, the real watcher Uatu sinks deeper into the perverse world of Philip the fake watcher, culminating in a trip to the never-before-seen Watcher…
The Learning Process
When I decided to make a career change a few years ago, there was a lot I didn’t know about the comics industry. For one, the creation-to-print time can span several years. Some of the projects I first worked on are finally coming out, and it has helped me realize just how much I’ve learned…