Our studio will be participating in this year’s Gowanus Open Studios! Come by our studio to check out our work and buy some great art 12-6pm Saturday and Sunday, October 21st and 22nd.
I’ll have copies of my President Trump Sketchbook for sale as well as an example copy of my children’s book “Moose Should Never Be Meese” for which I will be taking pre-orders.

The following members of our studio will be there:
- Jonathan Allen (Ohio is for Sale) http://www.ohioisforsale.com/
- Owen Brozman (You Have to F???king Eat) http://www.owenbrozman.com/
- Marguerite Dabaie (The Hookah Girl) http://www.mdabaie.com/
- Dean Haspiel (The Red Hook) http://www.deanhaspiel.com/
- Frank Reynoso (Civil Rights for Beginners) http://www.frankreynoso.com/
- Chris Sinderson (Moose Should Never be Meese) https://sinderson.com/
- Sara Wooley (Bitch Planet) http://www.sarawoolley.com/